Friday, September 14, 2007

Hilda - I have invented a maneuver

Well, I've created a monster that has taken on a life of its own (and no I'm not talking about either of my sons).

Earlier this Cross Country season, I came up with a way to consolidate a lot of semi-technical, tedious-to-work-with, and individualized information into a user-friendly format: the PaceWheelTM.

My invention(the PaceWheelTM) has made running Cross Country practice (with over 40 athletes) a significantly more-streamlined endeavor without sacrificing the individual training design that each of my athletes deserves. But, the kids said I should market the thing because I could become a millionaire! I thought that was crazy, but as I've continued to revise and refine the PaceWheelTM, more and more people have said they would buy such a contraption. So I went to my local printshop to see what it would take to get them made nicely. I have a website up and running. I have trademarked and copyrighted the idea. It may or may not be consuming every waking and sleeping thought I have.

But it may be my one chance at being a thousandaire.


Matty said...

Amazing...truly amazing! If I hadn’t given up running entirely after my marathon 10 days ago, I would be buying PaceWheelsTM by the dozen. I intend to advertise this product anywhere I can. I think blogger has a feature that allows for advertisements on your blog…I’ll test it out. Just don’t forget the little people once you start making 3 figures a year through this ingenious product.

Matty said...

Never mind...blogger advertisements just give you the ability to make money promoting Google’s sponsors. Not really that helpful for our current situation.

Anonymous said...

Other uses, surprisingly, include a Thirst Buster coaster (laminated version only), unpredictable frisbee, and magic 8 wheel.

Personally, I like the magic 8 wheel capability whereas I ask it how long will it take me to get to Target, spin it, and it gives me my commute time (or 5K pace, whichever is more applicable). I think you should promote these alternate uses to boost sales!