Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The end of a really bad day...

...and then I walked out to the parking lot, only to find my spot empty except for this:

This is true irony -- not Alanis Morissette irony -- actual, dictionary-definition, textbook-example situational irony.

I, The Coach, did indeed find this beautiful example of situational irony in person though--fortunately--it was not my car.


Matty said...

Very nice. I have always been annoyed by Alanis Morissette's faulty definition of irony. Thanks for clarifying it for us.

Aaron said...

I recommend that your readers click on the photo. At first glance it just looks like a sticker that was peeled off. However, if my eyes are right there is actually broken glass on the underside of the sticker. That's hilarious. Too bad it wasn't Alanis' car.

The Coach said...

It actually is broken glass still attached to the sticker. For full disclosure, the picture is actually a reverse image of the original as the sticker sticks inside the car and is read from the outside through the glass.