Friday, August 3, 2007

Summer's Over

Well, I'm back. They say that time goes faster as you get older, but I think it's really just that summer keeps getting shorter. I realize that most of you who read this will have little sympathy for someone who gets summers off, but allow me to vent.

There's this old saying about the 3 best things about being a teacher: June, July, and August. Maybe it used to be true, but yesterday (August 2nd) was my first official day back at work after getting out of school on May 30th. That's 8 weeks plus a little. When I was a kid, school didn't start until the last week of August, and we usually got out around May 20th. Now...well it's just not the same.

I'm not saying I want to trade jobs with any of you; I love my job, and I know the benefits I get as a teacher are fantastic (besides, Ann Coulter says I get paid more than I deserve for warping young minds with my liberal claptrap); I just miss my summer break.

I'm back, and I'll try to post often (you know, once a week at least).


Matty said...

I think you and I are both overpaid. I say we move off the continent and take a 75% pay cut. Whaddya think?

The Coach said...

Sounds good. Can I get healthcare with that? Or at least malaria?

Anonymous said...

It's about time you posted a new one! I was going through much so that I started slapping my own hands with a ruler and putting myself in detention. :)