Tuesday, January 15, 2008


So there I am, asleep, and yet another great idea pops into my head -- better than "Rosencrantz' Underpants" but maybe not as good as The Original PaceWheel (which was recently endorsed by the Chair of USATF Coaching Education).

No, no...my dreaming self came up with a clever new Portmanteau. A portmanteau is a combination of two existing words (or word parts) that makes a new meaning. For example: guesstimate combines guess and estimate and gives a new word loaded with more meaning than the other two.

Now, before I head to my psychotherapist to figure out what I could have been dreaming about to bring about this new word, let me get it out on paper...er...whatever.

My new portmanteau combines the words caboose and bustier. One is your rear, and the other lifts and separates. What better way to accentuate the junk in your trunk than the combination you'll get out of a pair of low-rise jeans and the caboose-tier (or is it ca-bustier...or caboostier)?

Top this slogan:
"The wonderbra for wonderbread."


Sarah said...


Matty said...

Well....my wife's already covered the most obvious reaction....

I guess I'm mostly shocked that you thought it was a good idea to actually put your name on this and put it on the web....you're a brave soul, my friend....and soon to be unemployed.

Anonymous said...

I blame Catholics for putting that thought into your head. I think it may go over better if you use the term "bustiboose". That has more rap lyric potential:

"Whoop whoop...your bustiboose done like a moose"


"I wanna loose your 'boose and wrap it around my head like a noose cause it's so sweet like chocolate mousse"

Matty said...

You'd think I'd get tired of saying it, but....WOW! Aaron you are a gifted poster but you and Coach need to attend the same "What shouldn't I put on the internet if I want to keep my job" class.

Anonymous said...

Let me go on record as saying I don't listen to nor condone rap music because of the obvious degenerated content as appropriately demonstrated above (or inappropriately, depending on your perspective!)

Anonymous said...

I'm considering posting this anonymously, but as I'm pretty sure none of the admin. at my job is checking this blog--something similar already exists, but without the catchy name. You should look into it.

Matty said...

Good to know, Amanda!

Coach, I guess you'll have to become a thousandaire on the strength of the PaceWheel.