Saturday, May 31, 2008

Worth the wait.

Go to your local Barnes & Noble and pick up a copy of the July/August edition of Running Times magazine, and on Page 22, you'll see this:

It reads:

"Dial in Your Pace

In contrast to expensive, high-tech workout accessories such as heart rate monitors and GPS-based mileage tracking watches, Michael Pollard, a USATF-certified coach in Colorado Springs, has developed an effective training tool that's decidedly low-tech and affordable. The Original Pace Wheel ($16.95) is a circular cardboard calculator that uses an individual's recent race effort or a predicted time from 800m to marathon to calculate five key training paces: aerobic base phase, marathon race pace, lactate threshold development, VO2 max development and running economy intervals. Want to train for a sub-3:00 marathon? Spin the dial to determine the appropriate paces for each of the five zones. The Original Pace Wheel works with established training plans, and it has the stamp of approval of Troy Engle, the chair of USATF's Coaching Education. For more details or to purchase, go to"

I couldn't have paid for such good advertising (no seriously, I have no budget for such things).


Anonymous said...

Way to go Michael!!! Awesome, we're proud to know the inventor and marketer of the original pacewheel!

Sarah said...

That's awesome! And it's even highlighted in a nasty green color to get everyone's attention! I'm sold.

Aaron said...

There's nothing like free adverts! They forgot to mention how good looking the inventor is though. You can't win them all I guess.

Amanda said...

Yeah, that green is a bit nasty. I think they should have highlighted it with a tasteful purple. Anyway, congratulations. I love being related to famous people. (No, seriously, I do.)

Matty said...

I'm a bit late to the show, but Congrats anyway. I always knew you were clever enough to perfect it and shameless enough to hawk it. Here's to a big response (says he in a phony Eurotrash accent, tipping his pink plastic cup of lukewarm water towards you).

Amanda said...

Yay! I finally found the right Running Times, in a King Soopers, no less. Now we can frame it and talk about our famous brother.