Monday, April 16, 2007

On Turning 30...

So, today's my birthday, and I'm actually excited about it.

They say that you're over the hill when you hit 40, but lots of people have told me that things start going downhill at 30 really. But I'm not afraid.

I've got several reasons to be excited:
  • I'm in my 30's and I'm married to a girl in her 20's
  • I'm moving into another age bracket on race day - no more competing against 25-year-olds
  • Gray hair will make it less likely that I'll be asked to homecoming by a clueless freshman again (for the 8th year in a row)
  • I've finally gotten to the point where I'm (reasonably) content with material stuff - that is, I had a really hard time thinking of a gift list for my family; I seriously asked for socks.

Anyway, 30 isn't so far at least.


Matty said...

Good post. I know that not being asked to homecoming will be tough on the ol'ego, but good for you as a person.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it this far and not dying of dysentery. As guys everything gets better as we age...we even get better looking. Case in point, you looked pretty good last night as compared to last Wednesday. Hehe