Monday, February 26, 2007

Put me in coach...

This morning, I arrived at the county courthouse at 8:30 to perform my civic responsibility and show up to the jury pool. I went through security, filled out my questionairre, and tried to read my new library book (Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry - recommended to me by singer/songwriter Andrew Peterson) while the PA system blasted me with an obnoxious FM morning show.

After a brief introduction by the jury commissioner, a speech from one of the myriad courthouse judges on how he understood that we would rather be doing what we're used to be doing, and a video explaining the jury selection process and basic trial procedures (I've seen Law & Order, so I didn't need the video), we all settled back and waited for the commissioner to draw our names out of a hat.

Five judges needed juries this morning - did you know that some cases only need a jury of three members? Some are only six, even. I was actually surprised. Anyway, about every 20 minutes, the commissioner would say "judge so-and-so has called for his jury pool" and then he would read off the juror numbers and names of the people who needed to come forward. Just before 11, the commissioner read the last jury pool and then read five more names to be in the "bull-pen."

At least I know this process is random, and the reason I didn't get selected is that my number (788) wasn't lucky. It's not like all of those times I got picked last for organized sports - like kickball, junior high football, or the office softball team.


Anonymous said...

Could have have been because you were wearing your "OJ for Mayor" shirt? :)

Anonymous said...

p.s. OR, your "I'm Anna Nicole's Baby's Daddy" hat?

Matty said...

I think you need a shirt that says "If my pants fit, you must acquit,” or something that makes no sense on the surface but displays both a disturbing attraction to Johnnie Cochran and an utter lack of logic.